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How It Works
At the Foodbank Lifeline Foundation, we aim to help people who find themselves in a crisis situation, which may be the result of benefit delay, low income, illness, homelessness or housing issues, amongst others.

For individuals, couples or families to be eligible to apply for food, a referral by Care Professionals from organisations like Caritas, Sedqa, Appogg or Social Services is needed.

Kindly note that the maximum period that we can assist individuals, couples or families for is 6 weeks. The food parcels we supply will last for one week. We also cater for dietary conditions.

If you need our help, please follow these simple steps:
Step 1


Contact one of our associations listed below so that trusted Care Professionals will make a referral and we will be able to provide you with emergency food packages.

Step 2


Once the referral is made and the application is processed, you will be informed of whether you are eligible or not.

How it works
Our network
Our network
These are just a few of the NGOs and government organisations we work closely with. We are always happy to work alongside any institution, organisation or charity that works to help those facing financial crisis situations. 
We also receive referrals from:
Malta Catholic Action, Mater Dei Hospital, St Anthony Mamo Oncology, Mt Carmel Hospital,  Community Mental Health Team, Catholic Parishes, Schools and Colleges.
If you are an NGO and would like to get in touch with us, contact us here.
Would you like to refer someone?
We can only support people who are referred to us by an organisation/agency. If you are a Care Professional and would like to refer someone, please fill in the registration form below.
If you would like to refer a friend or family member, please get in touch with one of the agencies in our network.
Refer someone
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